Transformers Universe




"No dispares hasta que puedas ver el brillo de sus ojos."
"Don't fire till you see the lights of their eyes."

Personalidad: Los cielos se vuelven inseguros cuando vuela Dogfight. Aterroriza a amigos y enemigos. Incluso los aviones civiles se alejan de él. Este salvaje y siniestro luchador aéreo disfruta saltando por los morros de los aviones enemigos, en lo que él llama la "danza de la muerte". Normalmente, no empieza a disparar hasta que está lo suficientemente cerca para poder contar los remaches del fuselaje enemigo. A veces, cambia a su forma de robot en el aire, lo que le permite darle un puñetazo a su adversario. Es un robot de fuel caliente; atacaría a un grupo de palomas si entrasen dentro de su campo de radar. Optimus Prime ha tratado a veces de calmarle, instruyéndole en la mecanomeditación, una disciplina que enseña a controlar el propio comportamiento mediante el reconocimiento y la modificación de las pulsiones eléctricas en el córtex. No ha dado resultado. Los estallidos de agresividad de Dogfight tienen raíces profundas. Cuando era joven, se encargaba de la vigilancia aérea en su pueblo de Cybertron. Mientras hacía una parada de repuesto, un escuadrón de jets se acercó a un tanque aéreo de fuel, que transportaba reservas vitales para la localidad. Antes de poder decidir si eran amigos o enemigos, el tanque fue destruido. Dogfight permaneció en el suelo. Carentes de fuel, muchos de sus vecinos quedaron desactivados, y algunos no se recuperaron jamás. Dogfight se culpó por su momento de vacilación. Desde entonces, nunca más ha dudado. Y nunca más ha vuelto a ver a un Decepticon sin tratar inmediatamente de destruirle.

The skies are unsafe for aviation when Dogfight is in the air. He terrorizes friend and foe alike. Not one to take chances, he buzzes even non-military commercial aircraft just to make sure that they keep their distance from him. This wild, wicked sky-flying street fighter likes to go nosecone to nosecone with his opponents in what he calls "a dance of doom." He generally doesn't begin to fire until he's close enough to count the rivets in their fuselage. Sometimes he'll even partially transform to his robot mode in mid-air so he can punch it out with an enemy aircraft. It doesn't take much to get his fuel flowing - he'll fly into action against a flock of pigeons if they accidentally interfere with his radar. Optimus Prime has tried to calm Dogfight down by instructing him in mechano-meditation, a discipline that teaches the art of mastering one's behavior by learning how to recognize and modify the electrical pulses within one's emotional cortex module. So far, the results have been negligible. Dogfight's aggressive outbursts are deep-rooted. They stem from a moment of indecision in his youth. He was on air guard duty for his village on Cybertron. While on a maintenance break on the ground, he saw a squadron of jets approach in the distance just as an air tanker carrying vital fuel relief was arriving. Before he could decide whether the squadron was friend or foe, it destroyed the tanker. All the while, Dogfight remained on the ground. Without the fuel many of his neighbors had to shut down for a long time, and some have yet to fully recover. Because he hesitated to take action, Dogfight blamed himself for this tragedy. Ever since, he's never hesitated. And he's never met a Decepticon that he didn't want to destroy immediately.

Habilidades: El diseño de las alas de Dogfight le hace sumamente maniobrable, aunque poco estable. Un sistema de navegación muy perfeccionado le permite reajustar continuamente su ruta, velocidad de vuelo, etc. Su velocidad máxima es de 2.450 km.p.h., con una autonomía de 4.500 km. Está armado con dos cañones atómicos de fusión, tanto en su forma de robot como en la de jet. En su forma de jet, los cañones están montados en la cola, lo que le permite sorprender al enemigo. Sus alerones están dentados como una sierra. Otra de sus tácticas favoritas es acercarse al enemigo hasta poder cortarle las alas con los alerones.

Dogfight's swept-back wing design allows him superior maneuverability in jet mode. A state-of-the-art navigational system gives him the ability to constantly adjust his speed, altitude and direction to compensate for the inherent instability of this wing design. His maximum speed is 1700 miles per hour and his range is 3000 miles. He is armed with two fusion reaction-powered blowtorch blasters in both jet and robot modes. In jet mode the blasters are mounted under his tail section and pointing behind him to surprise any enemy aircraft that try to sneak up on him. He commonly leaves a twin trail of flame from the blasters as he streaks through the air. His wingtips are serrated and can cut through all but the toughest steel alloys. One of his favorite tactics is to fly close enough to his opponents so that he can use his wingtips to slice off their wings.

Debilidades: Dogfight es muy vulnerable a las fuertes corrientes de aire mientras efectúa sus complicadas maniobras. Una vez se estrelló contra el suelo, y frecuentemente corre el peligro de ser gravemente dañado.

Dogfight is vulnerable to mid-air stalls during some of his more dramatic flying maneuvers. So far he has been able to pull out of all of them before actually crashing on the ground, but he's come close to destroying himself on several occasions.
